Dealing With Hearing Loss With the Help of Modern Technology
When most people think about technology and hearing loss, they think about hearing aids. But hearing aids are just the beginning of how tech can help!
Do I Need to Have my Hearing Aid Professionally Repaired?
Have you performed basic maintenance and troubleshooting but your hearing aid is still not working properly? It’s likely that your hearing aid will need to be professionally repaired.
When is it Time to Get an Upgraded Hearing Aid?
Hearing aid technology has come a long way and can revolutionize the way you hear sound!
Why Having Your Ears Tested Routinely Can Improve Your Mood
Hearing loss and depression are both common conditions, and there is a growing body of evidence that suggests that there is a link between the two.
How Audiobooks Can be an Important Part of Auditory Training
Audiobooks can entertain you and enrich your life. They can also help you train your ears–and they’ve become an important tool for auditory training.
Your Tinnitus Might be Getting Worse Due to Those Late Night Trips to the Bar
Alcohol has a surprisingly strong impact on your inner ear, which means there’s a very strong link between drinking alcohol and tinnitus symptoms.
Auditory Neuropathy, What is it?
Auditory neuropathy is a hearing disorder that occurs when signals from the ear do not successfully reach the brain. Treatment can help improve symptoms.
Hearing Aids, a History
Knowing the history of hearing aids can help you better understand how modern versions of these devices can help you hear better–and treat hearing loss.
Don’t Switch That Hearing Aid Off if You Want to be Happy!
Are you tempted to leave your hearing aid in a drawer? This study found you’d be missing out on more than just your hearing.
I’m Going Nuts With This Itchy Ear
There could be a few reasons why your itchy ears have been driving you crazy–from ill fitting hearing aids to allergies. Relief means finding the right treatment.