If you’re able to hear men’s voices more easily than female or kid’s voices, it might suggest that you have experienced some high-frequency hearing loss. The voices of most women and children fall into a higher frequency range – generally 165 to 255 Hz – while male voices are typically lower frequency at 85 to 180 Hz. On top of that, the volume of women’s and children’s voice are often less audible because they speak more quietly that men. By making an appointment with one of our hearing specialists you can find out for sure what the nature of the problem is, and how to best treat it.
If it turns out to be high-frequency hearing loss, you’re not alone; this is the most common form of hearing loss. It can be caused by aging, by genetics, by prolonged exposure to loud noises, and by certain diseases and drugs. But whatever the cause, the important thing is that as a result of technological advances, hearing loss can be treated.
Digital hearing aids are programmable to offer different levels of sound amplification and different frequencies. For people with high-frequency hearing loss, the digital hearing aid raises the volume of high-frequency (high-pitched) sounds more than it raises the volume of the lower-frequency (low-pitched) sounds. Another treatment option is the use of open-fit hearing aids, which leave your ear canal open or partially open, so that low-frequency and mid-frequency sounds enter the ear normally, and only the high-frequency sounds are amplified. A third possibility for severe cases of high-frequency hearing loss is the placement of a cochlear implant. An implant is a much more expensive and invasive option requiring minor surgery, but it may be the best option in cases of nerve deafness or extreme industrial deafness.
But the first step to finding a solution to your hearing problem is to have an examination, and allow our specialists to determine what the nature of it actually is. In some cases, for example, high-frequency hearing loss has been caused by nothing more than a buildup of ear wax, which can be cleared up without the need for any type of hearing aid. If you are currently having trouble hearing women’s and children’s voices, stop worrying about what might be causing it and make an appointment to get the true answer.