Congratulations! In an effort to hear your favorite television shows without annoying family members, you recently got a hearing loop. Deciding on which model to buy may not have been simple, however setting up your hearing loop won’t be difficult. You will not need to find an expert to install your home hearing loop if you follow these easy, general guidelines.
Project preparation. Nearly all hearing loop systems have four primary parts — an amplifier box, the wire loop, the product you want to hear better (such as the TV) and the sound receiver (hearing aid or the device that came with your system). Prior to you dive in to your project, make sure you have all the tools you will require to put in your home hearing loop. It will be very helpful to have a screwdriver and staple gun on hand.
The steps. The first step is attaching your amplifier in close proximity to your TV set with the screws that were included with your loop or simply place it next to your television.Next, plug the loop amplifier into a power outlet and then into your television set’s (or other sound source) audio output jack. Step three–the last step–is to string the wire loop along the room’s perimeter, securing it with staples either underneath the carpet, along the baseboard or against the top of the wall.And, your done! The only thing still left to do is adjust the volume settings according to hearing loop system manufacturer’s instructions. The volume controls differ by system and may be located on the amplifier or a standalone control pad.
Safety advice. Never position any electronic equipment in or near water (vases, aquariums or sinks), or in areas where moisture may accumulate. Never spray cleaning solution on the amplifier; instead, wipe it with a dry cloth. Also ensure that the loop is far from heat sources, such as a space heater or even other electronics. Make sure to set up the hearing loop system in a well-ventilated space, not closed up in a cabinet or box where it may become too hot.