by Hear Virginia | Feb 26, 2013 | Hearing Loss Articles
Loss of hearing is extremely common in America, with an estimated 20% of the general population having experienced it, but veterans who have served in war zones have experienced significantly higher percentages of hearing loss. Among troops who’ve been in...
by Hear Virginia | Feb 19, 2013 | Hearing Loss Articles
Based on data from the National Institutes of Health, out of every one thousand babies in the US, 2 to 3 are born deaf or with impaired hearing. Childhood hearing loss can be caused by developmental irregularities in the ear, by a middle ear infection known as otitis...
by Hear Virginia | Jan 10, 2013 | Hearing Loss Articles
Patients commonly inquire precisely why hearing in crowds of people is particularly challenging for them. Person-to-person conversations and even small group conversations don’t cause them any trouble. But in a crowd, such as a noisy party or in large public...
by Hear Virginia | Dec 28, 2012 | Hearing Loss Articles
Tinnitus (pronounced either tin-NYE-tus or TIN-ni-tus according to the American Tinnitus Association) is defined as hearing sounds that in most cases no one else can hear. It is a condition that seems to be related to age (most cases appear after the age of 50), and...
by Hear Virginia | Dec 24, 2012 | Hearing Loss Articles
Why? It’s the number question by our patients. The definition of hearing loss is simple: you are unable to hear normal conversations. It’s also extremely common with over 22 million hearing impaired Americans and 10 million suffering from hearing loss....
by Hear Virginia | Sep 8, 2012 | Hearing Loss Articles
Digital aids are the units that amplify only the sounds you can’t hear. They are based upon computer technology, which takes all the sound and converts it into data before it filters the sounds for amplification. This helps the wearer to hear only sounds that they...