by Hear Virginia | Nov 29, 2013 | Hearing Loss Articles
Public health authorities estimate that approximately 26 million men, women and children throughout the U.S. are impacted by noise-induced hearing loss (NIHL). Noise-induced hearing loss is brought on by contact with unsafe sound levels of 85 decibels (dB) or higher,...
by Hear Virginia | Nov 22, 2013 | Hearing Loss Articles
Congratulations! In an effort to hear your favorite television shows without annoying family members, you recently got a hearing loop. Deciding on which model to buy may not have been simple, however setting up your hearing loop won’t be difficult. You will not...
by Hear Virginia | Oct 30, 2013 | Hearing Loss Articles
If you’ve ever attended a modern day rock concert and found yourself saying, “That music is just too darned loud,” it doesn’t necessarily indicate that you’re getting old. It could mean that your body is attempting to tell you something...
by Hear Virginia | Oct 24, 2013 | Hearing Loss Articles
The canals of our ears are lined with hair follicles and glands that create an oily wax known as cerumen, or ear wax. The purpose of this wax is to coat the inner surface of the ear canal and protect it by collecting bacteria, dust and dirt, and miroorganisms. Another...
by Hear Virginia | Oct 17, 2013 | Hearing Loss Articles
Hearing problems are classified in a variety of ways. The specific part of the auditory pathway affected is what determines the categorization. In this article we provide a breakdown of five different types – conductive, sensorineural, central, mixed and...
by Hear Virginia | Oct 10, 2013 | Hearing Loss Articles
Do you have a loved one that really needs a hearing aid (or at least a hearing test) but is resistant to your advice? Talking over some of the statistics related to the prevalence, causes and effects of hearing problems may at long last encourage them to make that...