by Hear Virginia | Mar 19, 2015 | Hearing Loss Articles
Even though many of us remain current with our annual physical, dental cleaning, and eye examination, we notoriously forget to consider the well-being of our hearing. And when our hearing does start to weaken, it appears so gradually that we scarcely notice and...
by Hear Virginia | Mar 12, 2015 | Hearing Loss Articles
Do you recall the Q-Ray Bracelets? You know, the magnetized bracelets that promised to offer immediate and substantial pain relief from arthritis and other chronic diseases? Well, you won’t find much of that marketing anymore; in 2008, the producers of the Q-Ray...
by Hear Virginia | Mar 5, 2015 | Hearing Loss Articles
Hearing damage is dangerously sneaky. It creeps up on a person over the years so little by little you barely notice, making it easy to deny or ignore. And then, when you finally recognize the signs and symptoms, you shrug it off as troublesome and aggravating due to...
by Hear Virginia | Feb 28, 2015 | Hearing Loss Articles
Were you born to rock? That’s great – it’s a fun life. But you must take precautions for your ears! Rock shows are literally ear-splittingly loud, and continued unprotected exposure can cause some considerable harm, which several popular musicians know all too well....
by Hear Virginia | Feb 21, 2015 | Hearing Loss Articles
It’s pretty easy to get hearing loss. It takes just 85 decibels in fact. The sound level reached by a rock concert is 100 decibels: not the best news for musicians or concert goers. There are several other sources of hearing damage. Here are some typical decibel...
by Hear Virginia | Jan 28, 2015 | Hearing Loss Articles
Pain medication can be hurting your hearing. Today we have firm evidence that ibuprofen, a common pain relief medication, can increase incidents of hearing loss in people as they age. As such, you may want to avoid certain medications in an effort to protect your...