by Hear Virginia | Aug 27, 2015 | Hearing Loss Articles
We all put things off, routinely talking ourselves out of stressful or unpleasant tasks in favor of something more enjoyable or fun. Distractions abound as we tell ourselves that we will sooner or later get around to whatever we’re currently trying to avoid....
by Hear Virginia | Aug 13, 2015 | Hearing Loss Articles
It has long been acknowledged that there are powerful connections among sound, music, emotion, and memory, and that our personal experiences and tendencies determine the type and intensity of emotional response we have to specific sounds. As an example, research has...
by Hear Virginia | Aug 6, 2015 | Hearing Loss Articles
The ironic part of hearing loss is that we don’t tend to begin appreciating our favorite sounds until after we’ve lost the capability to clearly hear them. We don’t pause to give thought to, for example, how much we enjoy a good conversation with a friend until we...
by Hear Virginia | Jul 30, 2015 | Hearing Loss Articles
The hearing healthcare marketplace has two barriers that prevent people from acquiring healthier hearing: The inability to recognize hearing loss in the first place (owing to its gradual onset), and The temptation to find a quick, easy, and inexpensive solution....
by Hear Virginia | Jul 23, 2015 | Hearing Loss Articles staff. “Blausen gallery 2014”. That there is a right way to clean your ears implies that there is a wrong way, and for sure, there is a very wrong way. The wrong way is widespread, and it breaches the first rule of cleaning your ears: don’t...
by Hear Virginia | Jul 16, 2015 | Hearing Loss Articles
It’s typical to think of hearing loss as an unavoidable problem connected with aging, or, more recently, as a consequence of the younger generation’s regular use of iPods. But the numbers suggest that the larger problem may be direct exposure to loud noise at work. In...