Unfortunately hearing loss affects countless young children, although the right style of hearing aid can have a really positive impact on their daily lives. If you will be in the process of looking to decide on a hearing aid for your boy or girl, the amount of styles and sizes on the market can be staggering. Continue reading to learn the differences in hearing aid types to make it easier to determine the one best suited for your child.
The two major styles of hearing aids that work well for kids: In-the-ear (ITE) and behind-the-ear (BTE). Youngsters, continuously growing and developing, must frequently have their hearing aids adjusted. The two styles of hearing aids that are most easy to change are BTE and ITE devices, and that is much of the reason they are typically preferred for children. As their name implies, in-the-ear hearing aids are fitted to a child’s outer ear. ITE hearing aids are big enough to incorporate various beneficial additional technologies like telecoil. BTE aids have a small plastic case that is worn behind the ear. A plastic earmold supplies sound to the child’s ear and is connected to the case by a small piece of tubing. Both types of hearing aids are able to treat mild to severe hearing issues.
Hearing aid selection is often more challenging if your child suffers other types of health conditions. Children whose ears are not adequately formed may have challenges wearing behind-the-ear units. In-the-ear hearing aids may not fit properly if a child has a shallow ear canal. ITE devices may not be appropriate for children who have an excessive build-up of ear wax, as this can hinder the aid’s ability to function.
The most effective way to find the right hearing aid for your child is to talk to your hearing specialist. Your child’s distinct needs will be considered by a specialist to make the most educated recommendation. Your specialist can also provide coaching on what your part is in maximizing your child’s hearing. If your child isn’t old enough to regulate hearing aids on his or her own, it may be your responsibility to make certain they are comfortable.
Though it may seem mind-boggling in the beginning, research and consulting with a specialist will help you better understand the best hearing aid options for your child.
The site information is for educational and informational purposes only and does not constitute medical advice. To receive personalized advice or treatment, schedule an appointment.